About Me











I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, photographer. I absolutely love my job. I think it has to be the greatest job ever. There is nothing better than being able to capture the moments that mean so much. It is about being able to freeze the moment a 6 month old discovers he has toes, or the giggles of a two year old playing in the backyard. It is about losing the first front tooth and when she starts her senior year. It is about being there as a daddy looks at his little girl with tears filling his eyes right before he walks her down the aisle. It is about that young man waiting at the alter with a look of love as he waits for a glance at the young woman who has stolen his heart. It is all that and more that make what I do not so much of a job, but a passion to be able to give back just one moment in time to each person I photograph.

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